Torres is a Lecturer of Mathematics at Guttman Community College and an Adjunct Lecturer at Hunter College’s Graduate School of Education in the Departments of Educational Foundations and Department of Curriculum & Teaching.  As an educator of 24 years, Prof. Torres has taught students in all grade levels - from Kindergarten to Graduate-level courses - throughout California, Arizona, and New York City.  In 2006, she created one of the first fully-online tutoring platforms. Her expertise with innovative academic support options led to the creation of Guttman’s Academic Success Center.  

In addition to her teaching, Prof. Torres has led program evaluation work for grants funded by the Brooke Astor Fund for New York City Education, Complete College Innovation Fund, EDUCAUSE, the Gates Foundation, the New York State Department of Education, and the Federal Department of Education. Her research interests include the use of alternative instructional models, teachers’ perceptions and adherence to standardized evaluations, the use of technology in the feedback cycle, and the effects of culturally relevant pedagogy on mathematics instruction. 


Fuller, K. S., & Torres Rivera, C. (2021). A Culturally Responsive Curricular Revision to Improve Engagement and Learning in an Undergraduate Microbiology Lab Course. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 3501.

Torres Rivera, C. (2020). Coding. In A.R. Tyner-Mulling, M. Gatta, & R. Coughlin (Eds.), Ethnographies of Work. 

Bonner, S. M., Torres Rivera, C., & Chen, P. P. (2018). Standards and assessment: coherence from the teacher’s perspective. Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Accountability, 30(1), 71-92.

For additional information about projects, publications, or to review Torres’ vitae, please submit a request on the contact page.